Saturday, August 27, 2005

my band...

I came home tonight with every intention of getting straight into bed. I had to make a wee cd for Mark first though... One thing led to another and I found myself listening to song after song watching the minuutes tick by. Then a song called Half Three (off the 2nd Jj72 album ) came on and something turned over in my head. It's such a brilliant song. It's the kind of song you'd want someone to write about you, and it's the kind of song that makes you want to play music in front of millions of people really really loud. It could make you cry and laugh then cry again. I've been so worried about our upcoming single, and about my job and loads of other things, and in the worry I've forgotten that there are bucket loads of things to be happy about. I guess it's easy to wallow, and tougher to snap out of it. I should really be excited, on monday our first proper single comes out in the UK. That's BIG!! VERY BIG. The song is Coming Home and I love it. It's grand and powerful but pretty and poetic at the same time. It's beautiful. (plus the bass line kicks some major ass) Now- SLEEP!!


Blogger corina said...

Yay! Go Sarah! Go JJ72! u should also be happy cos are living with the coolest person in the whole word i.e me! haha!

9:28 AM  
Blogger UnaRocks said...


7:30 AM  
Blogger . said...

You're awesome. :)

1:03 PM  
Blogger misssarahjunefox said...

ooop a daybey

5:28 PM  

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