Monday, March 24, 2008


The other day Dad and I saw a sundog when we were driving... My photo didn't capture it as well as I'd hoped. It was COOL!

These appear when the sun is low in the sky and its rays catch the thin vapour formed of ice crystals which lies in the atmosphere six miles above the Earth's surface.

The rays are refracted by the crystals to produce what looks like a halo round the sun.

Sometimes, as here, they display a spectrum of colours from red closest to the sun to a pale blue furthest from it, which has led to them being mistaken for full circle rainbows.

In centuries past, they were thought of as signs of ill omen. These days they are most often mistaken for UFOs

(i didn't take this photo obviously....)


Blogger Anon said...

I saw one a while back in Milan, had no idea what it was and stood still in the main square like a maniac taking pix of it!

Ta again for curry the other day, I owe you deliciousness.

10:40 AM  

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